Healthcare Leadership

High-Performance Healthcare Leadership

Develop your personal leadership capabilities and improve the performance of your team or unit.

About the programme

The global Covid-19 pandemic intensified the challenges faced by the people who have the biggest impact on the quality, safety and effectiveness of care: frontline healthcare leaders. But even in “normal” times these leaders have to cope with the pressures of supporting exhausted colleagues, managing limited resources and delivering more person-centred care.

IHLM’s High-Performance Healthcare Leadership programme is aimed at first time healthcare leaders and those aspiring to their first leadership role who want to improve teamwork and take responsibility for people and services.

The content of this evidence-based programme has been carefully designed by IHLM faculty to reflect the growing body of research evidence on the practices and behaviours that lead to high-performance in healthcare organisations: in particular the work of Professor Michael West on the practices that build a culture of high-quality care and that of Eugene Nelson and his colleagues on the success characteristics of clinical micro-systems.

Delivered via IHLM’s online e-learning platform, through live interactive Zoom webinars and one-to-one coaching, you will become part of a global healthcare leadership community preparing for the future together.

What you’ll learn

On completion of this programme you’ll be able to:

  • analyse your leadership style and create personal development goals to enhance your impact
  • understand the needs of patients and colleagues and work with them both to co-design better care
  • evaluate the effectiveness of your team and improve the way you work together
  • play a more proactive and constructive role in the strategic management of your unit or facility

How you’ll learn

This programme is broken down into four modules delivered over eight weeks:

  • work through a carefully curated collection of online learning materials that include video lectures, podcasts, interviews and real-world case studies
  • evidence-based research from peer-reviewed publications will help you dig more deeply into topics that really interest you
  • one-to-one coaching sessions with the programme director will enable you to establish your personal learning objectives and apply what you learn in your workplace
  • you are not alone – you will interact with other programme members, discuss the module content and collaborate on learning activities during weekly Zoom webinars facilitated by IHLM faculty
  • get feedback and earn professional certification by submitting weekly learning activities and practical assignments

This programme should take approximately 4 – 6 hours per week.  You can expect to devote about 1 – 2 hours per week to watching video lectures and reading learning materials, 1 – 2 hours per week preparing for and participating in the webinar and 1 – 2 hours per week applying your knowledge through learning activities and practical assignments.  Every webinar is recorded so you can rewatch it at any time.

Who should take this programme?

The programme is designed for anyone – whether they are a doctor, nurse, allied health professional or administrator – who is in a role where they manage or supervise others within a healthcare organisation or system.  The programme focuses on how these vital middle- and front-line leaders can improve their personal impact and effectiveness while guiding their team or unit towards sustained high performance.

About the certificates

Upon successful completion of the programme you’ll receive an:

  • IHLM Certificate of CPD Completion – This may be useful for programme members who belong to professional bodies that have Continuing Professional Development requirements.  The programme has an estimated 48 hours of guided learning.
  • IHLM Professional Certificate in High-Performance Healthcare Leadership – This is evidence of the enhanced healthcare leadership capabilities you’ve developed during the programme.  The award of a professional certificate requires completion of learning activities and short practical assignments during each module that meet the standards described in the programme handbook – which will be made available when you begin the programme.

How to register

Ready to start?  Just click the ‘Register now’ button at the top of this page or use the ‘Ask us a question’ button if you’d like to talk to one of our programme managers.  The fee for this programme is £795 per person.  If you’d like to pay in instalments you can arrange this by contacting us at:

We provide discounts to organisations registering 3 or more staff in the programme and can also provide a customised in-house version tailored to your organisation’s specific needs.

All registrations are subject to our terms and conditions which are available here. By registering for an IHLM programme you are accepting these terms and conditions and agreeing to be bound by them.




Module 1: The High-Performing Healthcare Leader

In our first module we get to know and understand ourselves as healthcare leaders and prepare a plan to develop the individual qualities that are vital to high-performance.

  • Leadership style – Identifying the most common leadership styles, diagnosing our own preferred styles and acknowledging our strengths and limitations.
  • Self-awareness – Understanding the impact of our leadership style on others and proactively getting feedback from patients, colleagues and other professionals about our personal effectiveness and possible areas for development.
  • Self-development – Setting personal development goals and collecting evidence to demonstrate our growth.
  • Building professional relationships and networks – How to establish, maintain and expand strong professional and support networks that facilitate personal growth and achievement.
  • Resilience, drive and energy – Remaining calm and objective in situations of pressure or conflict and remaining energetic in the face of setbacks.
  • Courage under fire – Speaking up and speaking out when standards of quality, safety or patient care are threatened. Constructively challenging others when there is an opportunity for improvement.  Taking full accountability for our actions and decisions.

Module 2: The Patient-Centred Leader

Most patients are unable to judge the clinical effectiveness or safety of the care they receive.  So the single most important criterion they use to judge a hospital or health professional is they way they interact with them.  In this module we therefore explore the needs and expectations of patients and discover how to improve their experiences of care.

  • Patient-centred care – Defining “patient-centred care” and observing it in our own clinic or department from multiple perspectives – emotional, functional, physical, clinical and digital.
  • The patient-caregiver relationship – New approaches to patient-caregiver communication that are proven to improve clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction.
  • Empathy and compassion – The importance of empathy to patient experience and how to identify and respond to opportunities to communicate with patients more empathically and compassionately.
  • Shared-decision making – Progressive practices for understanding and meeting patients’ informed preferences.

Module 3: The High-Performing Healthcare Team

Our third module explores the sophisticated and critical role that teamwork and collaboration play in the delivery of high-quality care, challenging us to measure and improve our own team’s performance.

  • Characteristics of effective healthcare teams – Observing the characteristics of effective teams, diagnosing the strengths and limitations of our own team and planning improvement.
  • Interdisciplinary and multi-functional collaboration – Understanding the importance of coordination, cooperation and partnerships between different healthcare professionals, teams and units.
  • Coaching and mentoring skills – How to support more junior colleagues and subordinates to improve their skills and develop their professional identities.
  • Motivating and engaging others – How to nurture the culture of a team or unit to ensure team members feel psychologically safe and are engaged in and motivated by their work.
  • Continuous learning and improvement – How an ethic of constant learning delivers improved quality and safety.

Module 4: The Strategic Healthcare Leader

Our fourth and final module demonstrates how the healthcare leader can contribute positively to the effectiveness and future success of a healthcare organisation.

  • Understanding the healthcare environment – How to explore and understand the macro-economic and competitive environment affecting your healthcare service.
  • Understanding your clinic or service – Critically evaluate the current performance of your clinic or service and design effective change.
  • Stakeholder management – Recognising and sensitively navigating professional and political tensions with both internal and external stakeholders.
  • Influencing without authority – How healthcare leaders communicate assertively and respectfully, taking into account a range of perspectives, when seeking to influence organisational strategy or policy.


Course Factfile

  • Next session: 1 November 2023
  • Duration: 8 weeks
  • Commitment: 4-6 hours a week
  • Qualification: Certificate
  • Cost: £795
  • Location: Online

Find out more about High-Performance Healthcare Leadership


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